5 Breastfeeding Tips for Newborns

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
Have you started breastfeeding your baby? Congratulations, if so! Your child will benefit from this and you will have the opportunity to bond with them as well as provide them with essential nutrients. Lack of knowledge or experience can cause some mothers to struggle with breastfeeding.
Among the many benefits of breastfeeding are providing your baby with antibodies against diseases, preventing childhood obesity, lowering the risk of breast cancer later in life, and improving their cognitive abilities.

Postpartum depression and maternal health are also known to be improved by breastfeeding. Furthermore, it reduces crying time and helps babies sleep better. A newborn’s feeding pattern can be unpredictable, so here are five tips to get you started.
1. Breast milk is best for babies
The best food for babies is breast milk. In addition to antibodies, vitamins, and minerals, it protects them from sickness. It also provides nutrition for their brain and nervous system. Compared to babies who are not breastfed, breastfed babies are less likely to get ear infections, respiratory illnesses, diarrhoea, and gastrointestinal problems. Moreover, breastfeeding helps moms lose weight faster after pregnancy. A healthy newborn does not require cereal, water, juice, or other fluids.
2. Do not give formula milk to babies
Babies should not be given formula milk until they are at least six months old. The formula milk may cause digestive issues and allergies if given before then. The formula milk should be free of preservatives, artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, and additives if you decide to use it.
3. Maintain a regular feeding schedule
Throughout the day, your baby should be fed frequently. Breast milk or formula should be given to your baby every eight ounces. Typically, newborns need eight to twelve feedings a day – about one every two to three hours. By watching how much your baby drinks, you can tell if he or she is getting enough nutrition. You should ask other family members or caretakers to follow the same feeding routine and method you do.
4. You can pump milk, store, and use it
It’s great to have a little extra milk on hand for your baby by pumping breast milk. You can store milk for later use with a pump. It is also possible to freeze milk for later use. When your baby finishes milk from one breast first, switch to the other breast once the baby is satisfied. The first bottle can be offered between 4 and 6 weeks of age. Additionally, you do not have to pump and store large quantities, especially in freezers. A small reserve is all you need.
5. Patience is key
Learning how to nurse properly takes time. Don’t force your baby to suckle right away because he or she may not latch on right away. Let your baby figure out what works best for him or her on his or her own. Getting the hang of it may require a few tries. Try different breastfeeding positions, such as cradle hold, cross-cradle hold, football hold, or side-lying position, to find what feels most comfortable to you. Take good care of your nipples, wash them with water regularly, and avoid soaps and shampoos as they may irritate the skin.
The experience of breastfeeding your newborn baby is one of the most rewarding you will ever have. As a mother, it is also a challenging time. There are a lot of things to keep in mind. Besides being nutritious, it is also comforting and bonding. Nevertheless, it can be challenging at times.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Dr Nutan can be consulted here if you wish. Contact us if you would like to speak with our team of doctors and nutritionists. For the same, we will guide you.
Bringing a child into the world through breastfeeding is an exciting experience for both of you. Practice makes perfect, so you’ll be an expert in no time! Wishing you all the best!