7 Steps a Pregnant Woman should follow during her Pregnancy

A planned pregnancy is a very exciting time for a not just the couple that are expecting, but for their families and their friends and people that they randomly meet. The prospect of new life brings with it hope and joy and everyone comes with some sage advice to throw into the mix for the newly expectant mother to follow.
So we at The AYG Academy have our:
7 Steps a Pregnant Woman should follow during her Pregnancy
- A pregnant mama to be should document her pregnancy, her feelings, her body changes, advice her to keep a journal.
This is not just a way for her to treasure her pregnancy journey but it will also help her child understand their mother’s state of mind while she was pregnant with them. - Advice her on what to eat and how to maintain a clean, healthy diet. Pregnancy brings about a series of unhealthy cravings, which could lead to other complications. So while it’s ok to indulge in her cravings once in awhile each trimester requires a specific diet to prepare for the next phase.
- Exercise is important to get the blood flowing and to remove any toxins from her body. While exercise is great it should be low impact. An expectant mother needs to slow down a little, as a normal pregnancy can become high risk at any time.
- Educating herself by reading the ‘right’ books, listening to podcasts from reputed resources in order to get the right information about ‘what to expect while you’re expecting.’
- Support from her spouse, family and friends are very important she needs to feel safe and secure and loved. An expectant mother can feel isolated and alone, as she has to go through her pregnancy term. So making her feel wanted and special is important not just for her but also for the baby.
- She needs to be guided by a medical professional on what medication to take and she needs to know that she has access to any medical attention she may require. She should NEVER self medicate.
- She must learn how to meditate and detach from anything stressful because any emotions that she feels get passed on to the baby she’s carrying. She needs to relax and try her best not to get in any situation that causes her any kind of physical or emotional stress.
But most importantly she should do whatever she needs to be keep herself Happy… A Happy Mum means a Happy Baby!