Women's Health - Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare

There are various types of menstrual health disorders. It mainly occurs in the woman from puberty to menopause. Because this is fertile or reproductive age. Menstruation is the sign of indication of the initiation of fertility and Menopause is an indication of a cessation of this ability. Average menstruation period ranges from 3-7 days. The normal quantity of menstrual blood per period is 10 to 35 ml. Ayurveda has even mentioned the normal color of menstrual bleeding. Due to consistent irregular diet and lifestyle, some women may suffer from menstrual health disorders. In this disorder, one or more healthy parameters get disturbed. Yoga helps to bring back this balance.

  1. Menstrual Disorders -:

Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in the reproductive age.

Signs and symptoms

  1. Primary amenorrhea – It causes during developmental stages around age 13-15 yrs.
  2. Absence of menstruation
  3. Absence of secondary sexual characters
  4. Secondary amenorrhea – It is due to hormonal disturbance.
  5. Absence of menstruation 2 or more months
  6. Weight gain
  7. Hair fall
  8. Body ache
  9. Mood swings

Oligomenorrhea – Oligomenorrhea is the infrequent or less menstrual period.

Dysmenorrhoea – Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation.

Menorrhagia    – Menorrhagia is the abnormal heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.

Yoga Asanas – Sukshma vyayam, Paschimottanasana, Janushirshasana, Marjarasana, Vyaghrasana and Savasana

Kriya- Laghoo shankha prakshalana and Kunjal kriya

Abdominal Breathing 10 -20 cycle

Pranayama –Anulom vilom, Bhramari and Ujjayi 10 to 20 rounds

Dhyana –Nada Yoga, Antarmaun

Mudra– Jivhabandha

Low pitch AUM chanting10 to 20 rounds

Dietary Habits-Plenty fruits and vegetarian diet and Proper hydration

Lifestyle Management – Personal conducts

2. Leucorrhoeais the white discharge from the vagina. It occurs due to poor hygiene of the genital part. It gets influenced by an external infection like bacteria, virus or fungus or lack of internal immunity.

Signs and Symptoms

  • White discharge
  • Sticky and foul smell of the discharge of the vagina
  • Weakness
  • Pain in the lower pelvic region
  • Lower back pain

Kriya – Neti, Laghoo Shankha Prakshalan Twice A week

Yoga Asana – Suryanamaskra, Shashankasana, Ushtrasana, Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana

Pranayama –Nadishodhana, Bhastrika and Ujjayi Pranayama 10 to 20 rounds

Bandha- Moola bandha and Uddiyana bandha

Dhyana –Japa, Ajapa and maintaining silence preserves energy.

Yoga Nidra

Dietary Habits-Plenty fruits and vegetarian diet and Proper hydration

Lifestyle Management – Personal conducts- maintain the hygiene of the genital area.

3. Yoga in Pregnancy

Pregnancy does not come under any disorder. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs in a woman’s fertile age. After sexual intercourse when sperm and ovum meets fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube of the woman’s reproductive system. This is the period of growing and developing life in the womb starts from the conception till the birth of the baby. In this condition pregnant women tend to get various signs and symptoms. Sometimes she may suffer from gestational disorders like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes or Epilepsy. Therefore she needs to take care of herself more.

Signs and Symptoms in pregnancy

  • Amenorrhea 
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Monthly weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Back pain

Here are a few Yoga practices to maintain pregnant women’s health and wellbeing.

Contraindications – All asana creating pressure on the abdomen.

Yoga Asanas – Sukshma vyayam,Pranayama  ,and Brahmamudra

Titaliasana , Vajrasana ,Marjarasana and Shavasana under the expert guidance

Kriya- laghoo shankha prakshalana

Pranayama –Anulom vilom, Bhramari and Ujjayi 10 to 20 rounds

Dhyana –Nada Yoga, Antarmaun,Yoga nidra

Bandha- Mula Bandha

Low pitch AUM chanting10 to 20 rounds

Mantra chanting


Garbha Samvad