How breastfeeding can create a bond between mother and child?

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
Mothers have been breastfeeding their children for centuries. In fact, it is one of the most natural things you can do as a mother. Breastfeeding is the natural way to feed babies. Breastfeeding is a healthy choice for babies and for mothers. It provides many benefits to both mother and baby, and these benefits continue as your child grows up. There are many benefits to your baby and yourself if you stick with it for the first six months. The physical benefits include: fast postnatal recovery , healthier immune systems, reduced risk of disease and illness (such as ear infections), less need for medications like antibiotics, lower incidence of allergies later in life (and therefore less need for allergy shots), better sleep patterns/behavioural issues.

Breast milk is a complete food for the first six months of life
Breast milk is a complete food for the first six months of life. Breast milk contains all the nutrients that your baby needs in the first six months of life, including:
- Protein to support growth and development
- Fat to help with brain development, eyesight and hearing
- Carbohydrates (simple sugars) to provide energy
Science behind breast feeding
- Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs for the first six months of life.
- Breast milk contains antibodies that help protect your baby from infection, and it’s rich in substances that fight off diseases like diarrhea.
- The hormone prolactin helps keep your breasts making milk. A surge in oxytocin during breastfeeding causes contractions in the uterus, which can speed postnatal involution of uterus. It also help in secretion of breast milk.
Emotional connection between mother and child
The emotional bond between mother and child is a powerful one. Breastfeeding can be a way for the child to feel the comfort and closeness of his mother. It also gives him an opportunity to experience her love, which he can remember throughout his life. The emotional benefits of breast feeding are numerous.
For the baby, a sense of security and comfort is built when they are breastfed. This can help the child grow up to be more independent. The mother also has an emotional attachment to her child that helps her bond with them in ways that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Even if you don’t have a strong bond with your own mother, breastfeeding helps create one for you both!
Mothers who breastfeed feel a sense of satisfaction and connection as well, because it’s something they can do for their baby that no one else can—it’s just for them! Additionally, breastfeeding allows mothers to enjoy their baby’s first few feedings before passing them off to someone else (either another family member or babysitter).
For mothers, breastfeeding provides them with an opportunity to experience closeness with their baby as well. As they nurse their new-borns, mothers often find themselves gazing lovingly into their eyes, smiling and talking quietly while holding them close in their arms. This creates a strong bond between mother and child that can last for years after breastfeeding has ended
Colostrum is a thick, yellowish fluid produced by the breasts during pregnancy and the first few days after childbirth.
Colostrum is high in protein and antibodies that help protect the baby from infection.
Challenges faced by mother during breast feeding
Breastfeeding is a natural process, but it can be challenging for some women. Breastfeeding can be physically demanding, especially in the early days when the breasts are engorged with milk and the baby is not yet able to latch on and feed effectively. Some women find that their breasts do not produce enough milk to satisfy their babies’ needs. For others, breastfeeding may be painful because of improper positioning or soreness caused by cracked or bleeding nipples.
Some mothers experience emotional difficulties while breastfeeding, especially when they feel isolated from other people who do not share their beliefs about how best to care for infants. Women who have been sexually abused may feel uncomfortable with touching their breasts or being seen naked by others during this time period. Both these groups (women who have had a history of abuse and those who do not wish to touch themselves) should consider hiring an experienced lactation consultant who can help them overcome these feelings so they can establish an effective bond with their infant through nursing
Benefits of Breast Feeding
The benefits of breast feeding include:
- Breast milk is easy to digest so babies can go longer between meals (great for their sleep cycles).
- Babies are less likely to be constipated than those who are formula-fed because breast milk is naturally high in fat content which helps keep stools firm yet soft enough for easy passage through the digestive tract without discomfort or gas pains (great for their tummies!).
The importance of breast feeding is evident from the various benefits that it provides for both mother and child. While it has many health benefits for the baby, it also helps to create an emotional attachment between mother and child. Breast milk is a complete food for the first six months of life and hence breast feeding is the best option till then.
World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year across the world from August 1 — August 7. This global campaign aims to raise awareness about breastfeeding and its advantages.
AYG ACADEMY provides online courses, workshops and webinars in the field of pregnancy and lactation nutrition. If you are interested, please contact us at