50 Hours Foundation Course in Yoga

In affiliation with Indian Yoga Association

Eligibility – 16 years of age;

Duration – 50 hours

Practical: Theory = 80: 20

Minimum Contact Hours = 80% I.E. 40 Hours

Practical – Total Contact Hours = 32 Hours

Theory – Total Contact Hours = 8 Hours

Fees –



Section 1   
Indian Philosophy & Culture


  1. Meaning of ‘Veda’
  2. Names of 4 Vedas
  3. Four Parts of each Veda
  4. Six Vedangas
  5. Four Upavedas
  6. Darshanas – Names of Darsanas (Aastika & Nastika) and their Originators
  7. Upanishads – Meaning of Upanishads & Introduction to Garbhaopnishad
  8. Panchakosha Theory
  9. Samkhya Darsana
  10. Names of Dukhatraya
  11. Purusa / Prakrti
  12. Bondage & Liberation
  13. Names & characteristics of 3 Gunas


  1. Names of 4 Chapters
  2. The Ashtangas
  3. Def of Yoga (PYS -Ch. I: S2)

Hatha Yoga

  1. Brief understanding of ‘Hatha’ Yoga
  2. Names of Chaturangas of Hatha Pradipika
  3. Names of Saptangas of Gheranda Samhita

Bhagavad Gita

Brief background of context of BG

Karma, Bhakti & Jnana Yogas

Two Definitions of yoga

Samatvam Yoga Uchyate

Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam


Names of the 4 Purusharthas

Salient Features of Indian Culture

  1. Sanatana & Vaidic Dharma
  2. Anekantavada
  3. Chatur Ashramas
  4. Dharma
  5. Law of Karma (in brief)

Applications of Yoga

Benefits / Pre-cautions / Contra-indications of Yoga Practices

Yogic Diet

  1. Mitahar
  2. Yogic Lifestyle for healthy Pregnancy
  3. Holistic Health
  4. Garbhasanskar Introduction

Syllabus –Practice

Section 1         
Sukshma Vyayama / Preparatory Practices

1   AYG ACADEMY Specific

Section 2         
Shuddhi Kriyas

  1. Vaman Dhauti
  2. Jala Neti
  3. Trataka
  4. Kapalbhati

Section 3

Traditional Suryanamaskar with 12 poses

Section 4         

Four Meditative Asanas

  1. Padmasana
  2. Svastikasana
  3. Vajrasana
  4. Veerasana

Five Standing Asanas

  1. Tadasana
  2. Ekpadasana
  3. Vrikshasana
  4. Utkatasana
  5. Trikonasana

Four Kneeling Asanas

  1. Ushtrasana
  2. Marjarasana
  3. Vyahgrasana
  4. Shashankhasana

Five Sitting Asanas

  1. Bhadrasana
  2. Simhasana
  3. Vakrasana
  4. Parvatasana
  5. Paschimottanasana

Four Prone Asanas

  1. Bhujangasana
  2. Shalabhasana
  3. Dhanurasana
  4. Naukasana

Five Supine Asanas

  1. Pavanmuktasana
  2. Setubandhasana
  3. Matsyasana
  4. Uthitapadahastasana
  5. Shavasana

One Inverted Asanas


Section 4         

Sectional Breathing

  1. Basic yogic Breathing
  2. Nadishodhana Kriya
  3. Pranayama without Kumbhaka
  4. Suryabhedana
  5. Shitali
  6. Shitkari
  7. Bhrahmari

Section 5         

  1. Chin / Jnana Mudra
  2. Agochari Mudra (Nasikagra Drishthi)
  3. Shambhavi Mudra (Bruhmadhya Drishthi)
  4. Ashvini Mudra
  5. Shanmukhi Mudra
  6. Yoga Mudra in Vajrasana & Padmasana

Section 6         

  1. Pranav Japa
  2. Shanti Mantra
  3. Institution-Specific

Section 7         

Prenatal Yoga module introduction


To be announced



To be announced


Zoom Classes

Course Fees 3999 1999/-

Introductory Price. Valid till  15th December

We will send zoom credentials 24 hours before the course date.