How to you improve your fertility?

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
To have a baby, what are the things you need to improve your fertility?
Is there a way to improve your fertility without medication, surgery, or any other kind of treatment? You are in the right place if you are interested in reading this blog.
It is rare for us to talk about fertility enough. I believe every couple should take their fertility seriously and do everything they can to increase their chances of becoming parents. When it comes to getting pregnant, nutrition is one of the biggest factors to consider.
Have you ever thought about how nutrition affects your fertility as well?
The truth is out! A combination of genetics and environment determines fertility.
The genes in your body are the blueprint for what happens inside your body, but they cannot function without the help of other organs, hormones, and even gut bacteria!
Considering all this, what does fertility have to do with it? When trying to get pregnant but are not getting pregnant or aren’t feeling like you’re ovulating as much as you want, poor nutrition may be causing the problem.
Nutrition is not just about what we eat, but also about what we think about. It is important to remember that the way we think impacts the way we digest food, how we sleep, how we feel about ourselves and how we relate to others.

Here are some ways to improve fertility:
- Food and nutrition
During pregnancy, nutrition plays a key role in preparing the womb to receive the embryo and nourish it, resulting in a healthy pregnancy. For fertile changes in your body to prepare for pregnancy, micronutrients (nutrients required in smaller amounts) such as folic acid, magnesium, iron, vitamins, etc. are needed. In cases where you are not able to balance these requirements through food, you can consult your gynaecologist or nutritionist about supplements. Insufficient amounts of these nutrients in the body will make it difficult to conceive and develop a healthy baby.
The following points should be considered when it comes to micronutrients:
Coloured and seasonal fruits and vegetables are reliable sources of micronutrients
- Citrus fruits like amla, oranges, etc., are high in vitamin C
- Iron-rich green vegetables
- Vitamin D can be obtained through sunlight exposure
- Mineral and vitamin-enriched dry fruits and seeds soaked overnight
- Leafy greens, legumes, and pulses contain folic acid.
- It is extremely important for pregnant women to get enough folate through their prenatal vitamins. Besides preparing the uterus for pregnancy, it also prevents neural defects
The following are the points to consider when it comes to macronutrients (nutrients needed in larger quantities):
- Carbohydrates come from cereals and pulses
- Meet your protein requirements, consume milk, yogurt, sprouted pulses, lean meats, and fish (0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight).
- Oils and fats: 3-4 tablespoons of seed oils or ghee
- Adapt your diet to the season, location, and habits you have developed since childhood. Do not overburden yourself with the food choices in your diet; make slight changes.
2. Don’t stress yourself out
It is a burden on the couple’s physical and mental health to deal with stress. You can plan vacations, dinners, or a day out with your partner to keep your relationship fresh. This will not only keep your work-life balance but also bring you closer to your partner. Fertility will be closer to the surface if stress is kept at bay. You should not let work stress or family stress interfere with your relationship. Instead, discuss your problems with your partner and find a solution together.
3. Take yoga classes
When you practice yoga for 40-60 minutes a day, your stress levels will be reduced, and your flexibility will increase. It will also increase your energy and improve your fertility. Yoga routines specifically designed for fertility will increase blood circulation to your reproductive organs and enhance their functionality. Your relationship will be revitalized if you practice a couple yoga with your partner. Here are more yoga-related resources. (Link to yoga classes on the website)
4. Smoke no more
It is known that smoking adversely affects both men and women’s fertility. The menopausal age of women has shifted to younger age groups in terms of reproductive health. For men, smoking reduces the mobility of their sperm. Although light cigarettes, vapes, and hukkahs are available on the market, they have no lesser impact on health than traditional cigarettes.
5. Don’t give up
Be patient as lifestyle and diet changes may take time to show results. A healthy couple’s chance of getting pregnant is closer to 20% if they ovulate once a month. As a result, it may take 3-4 months to show results. The entire process requires discipline, sensitization, and deciding what is reasonable for you to do.
For a woman to become pregnant, she needs three things: sperm, egg, and a healthy uterus. A fertility issue is usually multi-factorial – diet and nutrition may not be the only factor involved. It is possible that fertility issues are hormonal in nature, which may require a deeper level of introspection.
The bottom line is that there is no one specific thing you can do to improve your fertility or get pregnant, but there are plenty of things you can do to support your body’s natural ability to get pregnant. A good place to start is with diet and yoga as lifestyle modifications. Any doubts you have should be discussed with a health professional. Get in touch with Dr. Nutan here if you need help.