My Challenges before Conception
A Personal Story

Name Withheld
To conceive and deliver a baby is one of the most beautiful experiences in a woman’s life, but there are many who face issues in conceiving. I won’t say I was one of them but yes, there were some struggle that I had to go through.
After a lot of search & struggle that my parents had to go through, they finally found a match for me and I got married at the age of 32. Marriage in itself is such a big change in one’s life that initially your whole focus is to get adjusted to the new family and I was trying my best to do that. It took me a little longer to get along with the new environment because I have been introvert from the start, never used to speak much, and like being alone, no friend circle, rather no friends and I had my own little world and I was comfortable in my world, so marriage was a 360 degree change for me.
Then I joined work, and life was going on, we had built our house, so I and my husband shifted there. After 2 years of our marriage also, I was not thinking about the baby, and everyone used to tell me that you are getting older so you should plan a baby soon, to which I always used to reply that when God had destined my marriage to be late then he will himself take care of giving me a baby as well. Then, my husband also started saying that we should have a baby, so I agreed, said ok, and we tried for a few months, but conception was not happening, so the hospital where I was working, I consulted a gynaecologist and she told me to get certain tests done. We got the tests done, and found that the sperm count of my husband was not up to the mark.
As my husband got to know about the reports, he was sad and started blaming himself that because of him we will not be able to have baby. I assured him that this cannot happen, and there are a lot of options available these days and we will get a repeat test done and if the results are same, we will get a treatment for this. I also told him not to tell his parents about it as they will make a mountain out of a mole and will further depress him.
The days went by, and he was in guilt that because of him we won’t be having a baby, I told him that when time will come it will happen, don’t worry about it. And in the meantime we had plans to go abroad and we got busy in the process and we dropped the idea of having a baby and thought we will try after shifting to abroad and we started saving money for it. Then after enrolling in the process, things didn’t go as planned, and then I also started feeling that we should have a baby now. Again we tried for 3 months and conception did not happen. Without delaying it further, I consulted my gynaecologist, by this time I had changed my previous job and was working in some other hospital. She again asked to get some tests done. We got the tests done, and my husband’s report came perfect this time. Till now whatever reports I had got for myself were perfect and I was waiting for few more reports. That time I used to go by metro from my hospital to my home and it used to take 2 hrs. While going back to home I used to feel nauseatic, not very much, but slight and when I used to get up from my seat when my station used to come my hand used to automatically move to my belly and I used to think that people will think that I am pregnant and then consciously I used to remove my hand from my belly.
Next day I went to the hospital, the other reports had also come, and they were also perfect. I showed them to my doctor. My doctor asked me for certain symptoms and said get a pregnancy test done, go buy a kit, do it now and tell me. I went to the pharmacy, kit was not available. Doctor said do it once you reach home and let me know. I reached home, there was a kit that I had bought an year back, I used it, checked and it came out to be positive. I just couldn’t believe my eyes, I called my husband and told him to get a new kit, thinking that it’s an year old and the result will not be ok. He got the kit, tested again and yippee it came out to be positive, called my doctor, informed her and she congratulated me. I couldn’t believe that day, that it had happened.
If you would like to know more about pregnancy, garbhasanskar, yoga classes, please click here to consult Dr. Nutan.