The Power of Prayer before Meal in Pregnancy

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
The act of eating is a fundamental part of our lives. It sustains us, nourishes us, and provides us with the energy we need to function. However, it’s easy to take this simple act for granted and forget the significance it holds. That’s why many cultures and religions have developed traditions around eating, including prayer before meals.
One such prayer is “Vadani kaval gheta naam ghya Shri hariche”, which originated in the Hindu religion in Maharashtra and Saint Ramdas writes it. While the prayer is significant for pregnant women, it can be helpful for anyone looking to improve their digestion and overall health.
Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body undergoes many changes to support the growth and development of the baby. It is essential for the mother to have a healthy and balanced diet to provide all the nutrients to the baby. However, pregnancy can also bring about digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, and heartburn. This is where the power of prayer comes in. By taking the name of God before eating and chanting it during the meal, the mother can reduce stress and anxiety. By reciting this prayer before eating, we change our attitude towards food, filling ourselves with gratitude, and respecting our food.

This prayer helps us appreciate and nourish our bodies and our babies properly. So, whether you’re pregnant, add this prayer to your daily routine and see the difference it makes in your life. Remember to take the name of God, appreciate the power of the divine name, and acknowledge the significance of food in our lives.
सहज हवन होते नाम घेता फुकाचे ।
जिवन करि जिवित्वा अन्न हे पूर्णब्रह्म ।
उदरभरण नोहे जाणिजे यज्ञकर्म ॥१॥
जनीं भोजनी नाम वाचे वदावे ।
अती आदरे गद्यघोषे म्हणावे ।
हरीचिंतने अन्न सेवित जावे ।
तरी श्रीहरी पाविजेतो स्वभावे ॥२॥
|| जय जय रघुवीर समर्थ ||
Vadani kavaḷa ghetā nāma ghyā śrī-harīce l
Sahaja havana hote nāma ghetā phukāce l
Jivana kari jivitvā aṅna he purṅa-brahma l
Udara-bharaṅa nohe jāṅije yadnya-karma ll 1 ll
Janī bhojanī nāma vāce vadāve
Atī ādare gadyaghośe mhanāve
Harīciṅtane aṅna sevīta jāve
Tarī śrīharī pāvijeto swabhāve II2 II
Let’s break down the prayer first four lines by line to understand its significance:
Line 1: “Vadani kaval gheta naam ghya Shri hariche”
The first line of the prayer emphasizes the importance of remembering God while eating. It encourages us to take the name of God while taking a mouthful of food, which is believed to purify the food and remove any impurities. When we take the name of God, we’re acknowledging the divine presence in our lives and expressing gratitude for the food we’re about to consume.
Line 2: “Sahaj havan hote naam gheta fukache”
The second line of the prayer highlights the power of the divine name in our lives. It suggests that even chanting the name of God can make digestion easier. When we eat, our body goes through a complex process of breaking down food and extracting nutrients. Digestion can be a difficult process, especially if we’re eating heavy or unhealthy foods. Chanting the name of God before eating can help calm our mind and make digestion easier.
Line 3: “Jivan kari jivitva, anna he purna bramha”
The third line of the prayer emphasizes the importance of food in our lives. It suggests that food brings life to life and is compared to God, known as “purna bramha”. Food sustains us and provides us with the energy we need to live our lives. During pregnancy, it’s important for the mother to have a healthy and balanced diet to ensure the proper growth and development of the baby.
Line 4: “Udara bharan nohe, janije yadnya karma”
The fourth line of the prayer highlights the sacred act of eating. It suggests that eating is not merely filling the belly but a sacred act of offering to the fire that keeps us alive. Every morsel of food that we eat is like a sacred offering to our body, providing us with the nourishment we need to live our lives. When we eat with this mindset, we’re acknowledging the significance of the act of eating and expressing gratitude for the food we’re consuming.
Overall, the “Vadani kaval gheta naam ghya Shri hariche” prayer emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and gratitude while eating. It encourages us to take a moment to acknowledge the divine presence in our lives and express gratitude for the food we’re about to consume. By doing so, we can improve our digestion, overall health, and cultivate a deeper connection with the food we eat.
For pregnant women, this prayer can be helpful in maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring the proper growth and development of the baby. During pregnancy, it’s crucial to have a balanced and nutritious diet to support the growing baby. By taking a moment to pray before eating, pregnant women can cultivate a deeper connection with their food and ensure that they’re making healthy choices for themselves and their baby.
In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna also explains the significance of food and digestion in Chapter 15, Shloka 14:
“Aham vaisvanaro bhutva praninam deham asritah
Pranapana-samayukta pachamy annam chatur-vidham”
Translation: It is I who takes the form of the fire of digestion in the stomach of all the living beings and blend with the incoming and outgoing breaths, to digest and assimilate the four kinds of foods.
The four kinds of foods referred to here are the ones we chew, suck, lick, and drink.
In conclusion, prayer before eating is a powerful practice that can have significant benefits for our digestion, overall health, and spiritual well-being. By reciting these prayers before eating, pregnant women can change their attitude towards food, fill themselves with gratitude, and make their food more nourishing. It emphasizes the importance of remembering God while eating, the power of the divine name, the significance of food in our lives, and the sacred act of eating.
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