Prenatal Yoga for Pain Management During Labour
Guest Post by Vasudha Jain
Baby’s day out from the mother’s womb is met with great excitement and anticipation. It is achieved when the expecting mother goes through ‘labour.’ It is often associated with the term – pain. But it need not be extremely painful. The impact of labour pain can be significantly mitigated. Not by the intake or use of external substances like medicines and heat packs but, by doing prenatal yoga!

10 Proven Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Research has shown that mothers who engaged in prenatal yoga benefitted in the following ways:
1. Reduced Stress & Anxiety
Often, moms-to-be are rushed into the ICU. When these primiparous (first time having a child) women see so many people around them, not knowing what exactly will happen in the delivery room can create stress and anxiety. This may lead to the production of too much cortisol in the mother’s body which can have adverse effects. By doing prenatal yoga, they learn stress management.
2. Reduces Overburdening of Vital Organs
Expansion of the uterus can lead to various problems such as constipation, back pain and varicose veins in the legs, breathlessness and difficulty in circulation. Deep breathing, chest opening movements of upper limbs and selected pranayama practices done by the pregnant woman can ease these symptoms.
3. Strengthens Pelvic Muscles
Weak pelvic muscles during childbirth lead to urine leakage, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse etc after the baby is born. Engaging in prenatal yoga strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which are essential for supporting the uterus and the bladder during pregnancy and childbirth.
4. Enhanced Breathwork
Controlled breathing during labour can help in managing the pain and calming the mind during contractions. Prenatal yoga involves breathing techniques such as pranayama, anulom vilom, ujjayi, bhramri etc.
5. Boosts Confidence and Self Awareness
Concentration and meditation are important to maintain the mental health of the mother and the child. Prenatal yoga instils in the mothers’ self-confidence and a better connection to their bodies. They feel they have prepped for the big day and their body can take the challenge. Thus, at the time of birth they are self-assured.
6. Supports Physical Preparation
Prenatal yoga is a drill that prepares the mom’s body for the physical demands of the childbirth by opening up the hips, strengthening the lower back and the core. Some asanas to enhance physical preparation include – vajrasana, sukhasana, veerbhadhrasana, parvatasana, ushtraasana (for spine strengthening).
7. Fosters Emotional Wellbeing
Doing prenatal yoga increases the production of endorphins in the body which means happy hormones are released. This elevates the mother’s emotional wellbeing to another level. This can include ‘garbhasamvad’ (the art of communicating and bonding with the baby) and ‘garbhadhyan’ (meditation on foetus).
8. Assists with Positioning and Movement
You must have noticed how doctors, sometimes, have to use instruments to escalate the process of childbirth. It is because the child is not in the correct delivery position. Thus, the woman has to either undergo caesarean delivery or forceps/ vacuums are used. Prenatal Yoga helps in maintaining the correct position of the baby which gets changed due to a variety of reasons. These include: sitting while folding legs, carrying heavy weight on one side, or even engaging in daily activities.
9. Reduces Pain and Discomfort
The main objective of prenatal yoga is to reduce pain and discomfort. It helps the mother in achieving this goal by releasing tension, increasing circulation, and promoting relaxation.
10. Supports Postpartum Recovery
The mother’s consistent efforts towards a healthy pregnancy reap rewards in manifolds. This includes a postpartum recovery where the body is resilient and strong. The prenatal yoga has equipped her with tools necessary to bounce back smoothly into her radiant self.
In essence, prenatal yoga aids in maintaining the mother’s robust personality during the pregnancy and makes it an extraordinary voyage. It is a necessity to engage in prenatal yoga like it is to brush your teeth after waking up.