Prioritizing Health and Fertility
A Case Study on Psoriasis, Allergic Cold, and Improving Sperm Motility in Men

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy, and spirit you possess or takes away from it. It’s important to prioritize your health and wellbeing, but always under the guidance of a medical professional.
Recently I consulted a 34-year-old man, Mr. Ravi Kumar for psoriasis, allergic cold, and improving his fertility. Mr. Kumar and his wife have been planning to start a family and he wanted to make sure that he was in optimal health before conception.

During our consultation, Mr. Kumar informed me of his skin condition, scalp discoloration, mouth ulcers, and a persistent allergic cold and cough. He had a history of psoriasis due to a reaction to medication in 2009, as well as being allergic to penicillin, Maggi masala, and preservatives. He also suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) but had no major illnesses like diabetes or hypertension.
Mr. Kumar had a sedentary lifestyle, worked from home, and his diet was mostly unhealthy junk food in 2009. He sometimes practiced yoga and was sometimes stressed. His semen analysis showed poor sperm motility at 18% and rapid linear progressive sperm at 27%, with a concentration of 46 million sperm/ejaculate.
The goals of the consultation were to improve Mr. Kumar’s psoriasis and allergic cold, increase his sperm motility, and help him plan for conception. I recommended an ayurvedic prescription that included Raktshodhak vati twice a day, Anutel nasya twice a day, and Sudarshan kwath twice a day with warm water. However, it’s important to note that this was under my guidance and should not be taken as medical treatment advice without consulting a doctor first.
I also advised him to pay attention to self-healthcare and daily routine, practice yoga under the guidance of a teacher, and modify his diet to include fresh, warm, and local foods.
After following these recommendations, Mr. Kumar saw significant improvements in his psoriasis and allergic cold. His sperm motility also improved to 30% with rapid linear progressive sperm at 45%, and his semen concentration increased to 62 million sperm/ejaculate. He and his wife were thrilled to discover that she was pregnant in 2020. Unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the second trimester.
Despite the tragic outcome, Mr. Kumar continued to prioritize his health and wellbeing. He made sure to follow the recommended diet and lifestyle modifications, as well as practicing yoga regularly. When he and his wife decided to try for a baby again in 2022, they were blessed with a healthy pregnancy that resulted in the miscarriage. This led towards stress and depression of his wife.
The case of Mr. Kumar highlights the importance of taking care of oneself for optimal health and reproductivity. By making simple modifications to his lifestyle and diet, Mr. Kumar was able to improve his psoriasis and allergic cold, as well as his sperm motility. It is important for couples who have experienced pregnancy loss to seek support, take time to grieve, and focus on their physical and emotional wellbeing before attempting another pregnancy.
The tragic miscarriage was a reminder that there are factors beyond our control when it comes to reproduction, but by focusing on his health, acceptance, and introspection they can reset and restart for further conception. The moral of this case study is to prioritize your health and wellbeing to live and bring a healthy life into the world, with caution and guidance from a medical professional.
It’s crucial to remember that the information in this article is fictious and written for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical treatment advice without consulting a doctor first.