50 Hours Foundation Course in Yoga
In affiliation with Indian Yoga Association
Eligibility – 16 years of age;
Duration – 50 hours
Practical: Theory = 80: 20
Minimum Contact Hours = 80% I.E. 40 Hours
Practical – Total Contact Hours = 32 Hours
Theory – Total Contact Hours = 8 Hours
Fees –

Section 1
Indian Philosophy & Culture
- Meaning of ‘Veda’
- Names of 4 Vedas
- Four Parts of each Veda
- Six Vedangas
- Four Upavedas
- Darshanas – Names of Darsanas (Aastika & Nastika) and their Originators
- Upanishads – Meaning of Upanishads & Introduction to Garbhaopnishad
- Panchakosha Theory
- Samkhya Darsana
- Names of Dukhatraya
- Purusa / Prakrti
- Bondage & Liberation
- Names & characteristics of 3 Gunas
- Names of 4 Chapters
- The Ashtangas
- Def of Yoga (PYS -Ch. I: S2)
Hatha Yoga
- Brief understanding of ‘Hatha’ Yoga
- Names of Chaturangas of Hatha Pradipika
- Names of Saptangas of Gheranda Samhita
Bhagavad Gita
Brief background of context of BG
Karma, Bhakti & Jnana Yogas
Two Definitions of yoga
Samatvam Yoga Uchyate
Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam
Names of the 4 Purusharthas
Salient Features of Indian Culture
- Sanatana & Vaidic Dharma
- Anekantavada
- Chatur Ashramas
- Dharma
- Law of Karma (in brief)
Applications of Yoga
Benefits / Pre-cautions / Contra-indications of Yoga Practices
Yogic Diet
- Mitahar
- Yogic Lifestyle for healthy Pregnancy
- Holistic Health
- Garbhasanskar Introduction
Syllabus –Practice
Section 1
Sukshma Vyayama / Preparatory Practices
1 AYG ACADEMY Specific
Section 2
Shuddhi Kriyas
- Vaman Dhauti
- Jala Neti
- Trataka
- Kapalbhati
Section 3
Traditional Suryanamaskar with 12 poses
Section 4
Four Meditative Asanas
- Padmasana
- Svastikasana
- Vajrasana
- Veerasana
Five Standing Asanas
- Tadasana
- Ekpadasana
- Vrikshasana
- Utkatasana
- Trikonasana
Four Kneeling Asanas
- Ushtrasana
- Marjarasana
- Vyahgrasana
- Shashankhasana
Five Sitting Asanas
- Bhadrasana
- Simhasana
- Vakrasana
- Parvatasana
- Paschimottanasana
Four Prone Asanas
- Bhujangasana
- Shalabhasana
- Dhanurasana
- Naukasana
Five Supine Asanas
- Pavanmuktasana
- Setubandhasana
- Matsyasana
- Uthitapadahastasana
- Shavasana
One Inverted Asanas
Section 4
Sectional Breathing
- Basic yogic Breathing
- Nadishodhana Kriya
- Pranayama without Kumbhaka
- Suryabhedana
- Shitali
- Shitkari
- Bhrahmari
Section 5
- Chin / Jnana Mudra
- Agochari Mudra (Nasikagra Drishthi)
- Shambhavi Mudra (Bruhmadhya Drishthi)
- Ashvini Mudra
- Shanmukhi Mudra
- Yoga Mudra in Vajrasana & Padmasana
Section 6
- Pranav Japa
- Shanti Mantra
- Institution-Specific
Section 7
Prenatal Yoga module introduction
To be announced
To be announced
Zoom Classes
Course Fees 3999 1999/-
Introductory Price. Valid till 15th December
We will send zoom credentials 24 hours before the course date.