Shopping Essentials for your Unborn Child and Postnatal Period

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
You’re expecting a baby, and it’s time to start preparing for your little bundle of joy.
All the necessities need to be purchased: diapers, clothes, bottles, and formula. However, there are some products that can make your life easier during those first few weeks with a new-born – and may even make it easier after the diapers come off.
Luckily, we’ve made it easy for you: there are five things to remember when shopping for your unborn baby.

Some shopping essentials for your unborn child:
1) A diaper bag & wipes : The first thing you should buy is diapers and wipes for your baby. You are going to be carrying this around for at least the next year (and probably longer!) so make sure it has plenty of pockets and is big enough for all those things moms carry around (you know what they are! ), but looks cute enough that you’ll actually want to bring it everywhere with you. If available, use cotton clothes. Ensure that you are using clothes that are in line with the local season and of high quality. It is important to keep in mind that a baby’s skin is delicate.
2) A swaddle blanket: Babies sleep better when they are swaddled because it mimics the stressful experience of preparing for their arrival. I am sure you are feeling overwhelmed by all the choices you must make.
3) Warm clothes & food: Headscarves, sweaters, socks-these things are a lifesaver for both mother and baby! Since there is an increase in space and air in the body after childbirth, Ayurveda recommends warm food and a lifestyle for mothers. In this way, both are able to adapt more quickly to the postnatal environment. You should make sure that you have enough blankets and sheets in case the weather gets cold outside during wintertime.
Shopping suggestions for your postnatal period
1) A breast pump: You may be breastfeeding, but do not forget about bottles! A breast pump can help you keep up with feeding schedules when you need to be away from home or just want to give yourself some time off. It is also useful if you’re exclusively pumping so that dad can feed the baby when he gets home from work. Breast pumps can damage breast tissue and nipples if they are not cleaned regularly. Only use if you are not available since natural breast feeding cannot be substituted for bottle feeding.
2) Belly belt: Belly belt for mothers is a must-have product during the postnatal time. In addition to giving you relief from back pain, it ensures that you remain comfortable while feeding your child. A happy state of mind is very important when feeding the baby if you suffer from a backache or body pain, your baby may be irritable at times. Belts and warm oil treatments can help to alleviate this problem.
When should you start your shopping?
The best time to prepare for a new baby is during the last trimester of pregnancy. It is possible that you will have to buy a lot of things. Buying toys for your baby is also an option. Your new-born baby should also have some clothes. As you get closer to your due date, you might start to feel like you are ready for the baby. The reality is, though: you are nowhere near ready. You still have a lot of things to buy!
So finally summarizing the list You should also make sure that you have enough warm clothes, diapers, and wipes for your new-born baby.
You should also make sure that you have enough food for yourself and your husband during this time period because pregnancy makes people more hungry than usual so it will be hard to find time to cook food while taking care of a new-born child at home as well!
In case you are looking to give a gift to a close pregnant friend or relative, you can consider the items listed above.
Feel free to comment if you have any other ideas. This article will help you prepare well in advance and enjoy your motherhood journey as much as possible.
Check out Dr. Nutan’s courses on Prenatal Postnatal Yoga and Garbhasanskar Teacher Training:
1. Live Zoom Classes – Click here
2. Self Paced course – Click here