The Silent Long-Term Risk of Birth Control: A Lady's Journey...

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare

Meet Priya, a vibrant woman in her early thirties, who came to me feeling confused and overwhelmed. She had been on birth control for over a decade and could not understand why, after coming off the pill, her body seemed out of balance. She was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), experienced painful periods of mood swings, and noticed sudden weight gain. Worst of all, Priya had no clue what was happening to her once-healthy body.

birth control pills risks

“I never thought birth control could be the culprit,” she confessed during our first session. Like many women, Priya believed that hormonal birth control was a harmless solution. She had started using it to regulate her periods as a young woman and continued it for years without considering the long-term effects.

But after she decided to stop, her body struggled to find its natural rhythm again. Priya developed irregular cycles, and to her surprise, she was diagnosed with PCOS—a condition she did not have before.

“How could this happen? I thought birth control was supposed to help me!” she said, frustrated.

The Hidden Risks of Long-Term Birth Control

Priya’s story is familiar. Many women like her do not realise that long-term use of birth control can throw the body’s natural hormonal balance off course. The synthetic hormones in these pills are designed to stop ovulation, but over time, they can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate itself naturally. This forced stimulation can lead to conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, or general hormonal imbalances.

Even as women approach menopause, some are advised to continue hormonal pills. Yet, these external interventions are often unnecessary and can mask the body’s natural progression, leading to further confusion and imbalance.

Finding the Path Back to Balance

When Priya came to me, her primary goal was simple: to feel like herself again. But instead of jumping into more medication or quick fixes, we focused on the deeper, more sustainable healing path. I explained the power of reconnecting with her body’s natural processes rather than relying on artificial interventions.

Our Approach was Rooted in Three Fundamental Principles


1. Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Disciplined Lifestyle

We started by examining her diet, which consisted of processed foods and sugar. These can exacerbate hormonal imbalances. Priya gradually improved her health from the inside out by incorporating more whole, nutrient-dense foods high in fibre, such as spinach, moringa, curry leaves, healthy fats like milk, and antioxidants such as pomegranate, carrots, and beetroots. She also included raisins. With a more balanced diet and consistent daily routines, her energy levels increased, her mood stabilised, and her menstrual cycles became more regular.

2. Embracing Change Gracefully, Without External Stimulation

Priya had to learn to trust her body again. She was used to the idea that pills could “fix” her problems, but this time, we focused on accepting natural changes instead of fighting them. She added seed cycling methods, making sure to soak overnight before use, such as pumpkin flax seeds before ovulation and sunflower or sesame seeds during ovulation. I encouraged her to let go of the fear of irregularity and to embrace the shifts in her body, especially as she approached her thirties. Once Priya was patient with her body, she noticed fewer mood swings and a more predictable cycle.

3. Practicing Yoga and Staying Connected to Nature

Yoga became a cornerstone of Priya’s healing. She learned to connect her breath with her body’s needs through regular practice, which helped release tension and improve her emotional well-being.

Pelvic floor Asana, a breathing regulation meditation, became crucial for her hormonal health. By strengthening these muscles, Priya felt more grounded and experienced a noticeable improvement in her periods.

She also made it a habit to spend more time in nature, walking barefoot and meditating outdoors, which brought a sense of calm and alignment to her healing journey.

Priya’s Transformation

Months into this new routine, Priya was like a different person. She no longer felt controlled by the difficulties of hormonal imbalances and found joy in the simplicity of natural living. Her cycles became regular, and her PCOS symptoms improved significantly.

“I’ve learned that my body knows best; I just needed to listen,” Priya shared in one of our final sessions.

Her story is a powerful reminder that while birth control and other hormonal interventions can serve a purpose, over-reliance on them can disrupt the body’s natural flow. The good news is that it can restore balance with mindful choices and a little patience.

Takeaway: A Natural Approach to Reproductive Health

Priya’s journey is not just her own. Many women unknowingly face similar challenges with hormonal imbalances, whether it is due to long-term birth control use or other artificial interventions. The key to regaining control over reproductive health lies in embracing a natural, comprehensive approach.

Here is what we can all learn from Priya:

· Focus on a nutrient-rich diet: A healthy, balanced diet is critical to hormonal health. Include plenty of whole foods, avoid processed options, and keep hydration in check.

· Trust your body: Instead of seeking external fixes, accept your body’s natural rhythms, whether during your reproductive years or menopause.

· Embrace yoga and nature: Yoga helps physically and mentally, keeping your body in tune with your mind. Nature is a powerful healer, and spending time outdoors can bring your body back into balance.

If you have been struggling with reproductive health issues or are concerned about the long-term effects of birth control, remember this: your body has the wisdom to heal. All you need to do is listen, nurture it carefully, and allow nature to take its course.


If you need a customized plan like Priya’s, feel free to connect with us.