5 Simple Steps to relieve Lower Back Pain in Pregnancy

By Dr. Nutan Pakhare
Approximately 50 to 70 per cent of women experience lower back pain during pregnancy or shortly after delivery. In spite of this, it is one of the most neglected issues because most women consider it to be normal discomfort and part of pregnancy.
It is possible to experience discomfort in your back for a number of reasons, such as growing body weight, growing baby bump, incorrect posture, or sleeping positions. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes constant changes, including her spine. During pregnancy, the centre of gravity shifts backwards, increasing the natural curve of the lower spine and causing back pain.
Here are some simple tips for easing lower back pain:
1. Prenatal yoga
Yoga during pregnancy and after birth lowers the chance of complications during pregnancy and after delivery. It reduces pains such as backache, headache, leg pain, and stress levels that may harm the unborn child. It is a great way to stay active and happy during pregnancy by practising prenatal yoga. In addition to offering physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits, it is gentle, low impact, and low impact.
As part of prenatal yoga, you can also strengthen and empower yourself through deep, mindful breathing exercises that can ease emotional stress. Yoga can also help you sleep better and relax your mind and body deeply. With the support of the wall, you can do gentle stretches such as marjariasana (cat-cow pose), saral ushtrasana (simple camel pose) or forward bends. Start your prenatal yoga journey with us here.
2. Maintain your posture
If you want to maintain good posture, you should use a chair that provides firm support to your back. A slouched position on a couch stresses the spine and aggravates lower back pain further.
If needed, you may also wear a support belt. Whenever possible, stand up straight. As pregnancy progresses, it may become more difficult. You can train your back muscles by sitting up straight in a chair and placing your hands on your thighs while keeping your shoulders and chest down. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold them for 10 seconds. Make sure you do this at least three times a day to improve your posture and relieve lower back pressure.
Pregnant women should keep these tips in mind for good posture, especially for their backs:
· Be sure to stand tall and straight.
· Keep your chest up.
· Try to relax your shoulders.
· Be careful not to lock your knees.
· Sit in a chair that supports your back.
· When you sit, place a small pillow behind your lower back for support.
3. Choosing a sleeping position
If you want to sleep comfortably while pregnant, lie on your left side, with a pillow between your knees. If you want to sleep with a pillow behind your back and one between your legs, you can do so. It is possible to adopt a three-quarter position where you lie on the side and place your leg on top of the pillow with your arm behind you. As a result, your lower back is relieved of pressure. Likewise, you can experiment with different pillow positions to find out what works best for you.
4. Stay active
It is not recommended to sit or lie on a couch or bed for long periods of time. Every 25 minutes, limbs must be moved. You can reduce your pelvic pain by minimizing activities such as climbing stairs or running. If you are sitting, use a small stool to support your legs, or place a pillow under your feet if you are lying down.
To reduce lower back pain during pregnancy, including physical activity in your daily routine. Slow walking is also a gentle exercise you can do.
5. Avoid these mistakes
While pregnant, you should take care of the following don’ts:
- Avoid lying on your back during pregnancy, especially towards the end of the second and third trimesters.
- Be careful not to slouch.
- Avoid using big cushions while sitting as they can lead to back arching.
- Do not wear heels, completely flat slippers, or uncomfortable shoes.
- Avoid sudden or jerky movements.
- Do not lift heavy objects.
- Avoid tightening your lower abdominal muscles while standing.
- When you are pregnant, avoid topsy-turvy asanas specifically
You can also use gentle massage, hot water compression, and acupuncture to reduce pain. Also, keep an eye out for any radiating pain or neurological problems such as numbness or muscle weakness that may require medical attention. To learn the right yoga poses curated specifically for you during pregnancy, consult your doctor and prenatal yoga therapist.
A healthcare provider should be consulted if you experience severe back pain during pregnancy or if the pain lasts for more than two weeks. Feel free to contact us for a consultation if you need it