Pregnancy Care

planning for healthy baby

Planning for a Healthy Baby: Step-by-step Guide for Couples

Planning for a Healthy Baby: Step-by-step Guide for Couples By Dr. Nutan Pakhare In today’s fast-paced world, where couples often navigate the delicate balance between career and personal life within nuclear family setups, the decision to expand the family becomes a crucial and thoughtful process. Unlike in the past, where family planning might have been

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Post childbirth women's health care

Empowering Women’s Health Post Childbirth: A Holistic Approach

Empowering Women’s Health Post-Childbirth: A Holistic Approach By Dr. Nutan Pakhare In a recent publication by The Lancet Global Health, it was revealed that more than one in three women worldwide, approximately forty million annually, struggle with enduring health challenges after childbirth. This study sheds light on the neglected issues women face, highlighting the need

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lower abdominal pain after giving birth

Recovery from Postpartum Abdominal Pain: A Comprehensive Guide

Recovery from Postpartum Abdominal Pain – A Comprehensive Guide By Dr. Nutan Pakhare A miracle occurs when new life enters the world. Pregnancy and childbirth testify to the strength and resilience of a woman.  In the words of Brazilian author Paulo Coelho:  You’ve got to take risks As a Garbhasanskar coach, I often receive emails

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dreams during pregnancy

Dreams During Pregnancy: Unravelling the Subconscious Mind

Dreams During Pregnancy: Unravelling the Subconscious Mind By Dr. Nutan Pakhare As a mysterious window into the subconscious, dreams have long fascinated humanity. A pregnant mother’s dreams can take on a deeper significance, reflecting her emotional journey during this transformative time. My experience as a doctor and a sibling of two pregnant sisters gave me

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